Deep Energy Retrofit – Case Studies

Deep energy retrofit case studies are important because they provide tangible evidence of how existing Canadian single family and low-rise homes can achieve significant energy savings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2022, there were more than 110,000 energy efficiency retrofits across Canada. Of those, more than 7,000 were deep energy retrofits or approximately 6.1%.

Deep energy retrofits saved 5% more energy and 38% more greenhouse gas emissions on average.

Our Deep Energy Retrofit Case Studies

We are creating, collecting, and curating deep energy retrofit case studies from across the country. The following are deep energy retrofit case studies we’ve created with support from our partners across Canada.

In our Deep Energy Retrofit Case Study series, we dive into deep energy retrofit journeys and successes across Canada. These home retrofit case studies look at the energy efficiency work done on single family homes and low-rise multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs). Jump in to find out how these retrofits improved comfort and cost for everyone living in our case study homes. Get a good look at the upgrades these Canadians have made to their homes and the final results of their energy makeover.

Let us know if these inspire you to go on your own deep home energy retrofit journey!

Every home is unique. Deep energy retrofit recommendations from an EnerGuide – Registered Energy Advisor are specific to your house. These recommendations can help you reach your unique personal retrofit goals. Together, you can achieve a home that is comfortable, healthy, low maintenance, resilient, and efficient!

More Case Studies

Besides our own deep energy retrofit case studies, we are compiling other great case studies from across Canada (see map above). The following organizations are also publishing case studies:

See more case studies at

See more case studies at

A number of companies doing deep energy and net zero retrofits with projects:

Along with embodied carbon case studies:

Why are Deep Energy Retrofit case studies important?

Deep energy retrofit case studies are important because they provide tangible evidence of how existing Canadian homes can achieve significant energy savings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

As Canada aims to meet its climate targets and improve energy efficiency across sectors, buildings, including residential homes, represent a substantial opportunity for emission reductions. Case studies demonstrate practical strategies and technologies that can be applied in diverse Canadian climates, from harsh winters to temperate regions, showcasing their effectiveness and adaptability. Moreover, these studies highlight the economic benefits of deep energy retrofits, such as lower energy bills and increased property values, which are essential considerations for homeowners, policymakers, and investors.

By illustrating successful retrofit projects, case studies inspire confidence and drive market demand for energy-efficient solutions while informing future policy development and fostering a culture of sustainability in residential building practices.

Our Deep Energy Retrofit Partners

To do this we are working with our Green Community member EnerGuide partners across Ontario including:

Outside of Ontario, we are identifying and creating case studies from our EnerGuide Service Organization partners including:

Also, we are receiving support from the Yukon Government’s Energy Branch and the Arctic Energy Alliance in the Northwest Territories.

Besides EnerGuide Service Organizations, we are working with Retrofit Canada to supply case studies while amplifying their current deep energy retrofit case study repository.

And we are looking to support and amplify of other deep energy retrofit case study providers including:

In addition, we have included case studies that address embodied carbon, climate adaptation and resilience, and energy poverty through affordability.

Know of other deep energy retrofit case studies? Please let us know. We’d like to share and amplify this great effort across the country.