What is a Deep Energy Retrofit

Deep Energy Retrofits cut your home’s energy use by 50 per cent or more. Deep retrofitting takes a whole home approach and provides greater benefit by maximizing your building’s energy efficiency.

When doing a deep energy retrofit, there are numerous pathways to take but the best strategy will be influenced by the characteristics of your home, your budget and timeline, and your personal priorities.

Click here to learn more about the three basic steps for creating an energy retrofit plan for your home.

This interactive map below shows nearly all of the postal codes (specifically, the Forward Sortation Areas (FSAs) which are the first 3-digits of a Canadian postal code), represented by colour-coded pins. The pins are colour-coded by the number of deep energy retrofits completed within and between the years of 2020 and 2023. Clicking the top-left navigation bar icon will show you the map’s legend and additional information.

Household deep energy retrofits are essential to achieving Canada’s climate action goals. To achieve the scale of change needed, we believe that retrofits must be ambitious, widespread, and equitable.

Let’s leave everyone in A.W.E. of our greener, cleaner, healthier, and happier homes!

The interactive map above plots all* of the deep energy retrofits recorded in Natural Resources Canada’s EnerGuide Rating System database for the four years between the start of 2020 and the end of 2023. They are colour-coded by the percentage of energy savings achieved. Clicking the top-left navigation bar icon will show you additional information and the map’s legend.

* The number of pins is capped at 2000; for both the red and orange pins, there is an excess of 9000 and 3000 deep energy retrofits, respectively.